Wifi Solution, Installation for Schools and Colleges- WifiSoft

Wifi Solution for School and Colleges

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M.S. Ramaiah University, Bangalore

Deployed Campus Series UniBox controllers in M.S. Ramaiah University- Wifisoft


  • Large university in South India that caters to over 18000 students
  • Over 16 campus buildings housing different departments
  • Automate user registration and enforce authentication of students, staff and visitors
  • Over 500 DLink access points and 16 different VLANs
  • Highly redundant and failsafe architecture


  • Deployed Campus Series UniBox controllers in active-active configuration
  • Designed solution to handle 12000+ concurrent users
  • Automated student registration using approval-based method and MIS integration
  • Enforced access and bandwidth policies for each group of users
  • Maintained access logs and browsing history of each student


  • Significant improvement in uptime of the WiFi network in the campus
  • Reduced WiFi complaints by 50% after automating registration and enforcing single sign-on
  • Increased average browsing speed per student by 60%
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Student Housing, Toronto


  • Bell Canada was upgrading Internet infrastructure in student housing near universities
  • Needs reliable and high performance controller for managing user access and bandwidth
  • Network needed to support HD video, Gaming consoles, video conferencing and streaming
  • Needed controller that provided full control, diagnostics and usage analytics


  • Bell Canada deployed UniBox controllers for managing the wireless infrastructure
  • Seamlessly integrated with existing Cisco and Ruckus infrastructure
  • Provided zero downtime with failover architecture
  • Implemented multi-WAN for bandwidth aggregation and bandwidth control policies


  • Improved network performance by 70% within 1 year
  • Reliable and free Internet increased occupancy for student housing by 30%
  • Residents were able to easily setup new devices like gaming consoles on the network
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Deployed UniBox controllers in Bell Canada- Wifisoft

Sharda University, Noida

Deployed UniBox controller in Sharda University, Noida- Wifisoft


  • Sharda University is one of the largest universities in North India with 20,000 students
  • Needed campus wide WiFi network with reliable network controller
  • Needed to handle 1 Gbps Internet backbone and evenly distribute Internet bandwidth
  • Prevent Internet misuse, track student usage, logs browsing activity and filter URLs


  • Deployed UniBox controller for managing 200 acre campus network with failover architecture
  • Created customized login and student registration process with email and phone verification
  • Setup bandwidth rules, access policies and web filtering to track all student activities
  • Implemented separate access network for visitors and staff


  • Managed network reduced network downtime and improved average browsing speed
  • Helped system administrators keep student activities in check
  • Reduced network complaints and provided greater visibility into the network
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