Today's enterprises must deal with various types of assets present under their supervision, both in-house as well as in outdoor environment. These assets are human resources as well as physical objects. Mobility of assets bring the need of having a right asset tracking system even more desirable. In absence of a good asset tracking system, enterprises face many challenges such as efficient utilization of human resources, loss of expensive equipment, loss of productive business hour in physical discovery of location, theft etc.
In order to meet growing need of a good asset tracking system, Wifi-soft has developed smart asset tracking system called 'EzeTrack'. EzeTrack can track various categories of assets such as indoor, outdoor, on-road etc. Indoor assets include laptops, computers, medical equipment, stretcher, beds etc. Outdoor assets include generator set, digital signages, air conditioning exhaust fan etc. On-road assets include transportation vehicles.
EzeTrack is built on low energy Bluetooth based tag and sensor technology. EzeTrack sensors can detect a tag at approximately 30 to 50 meters in outdoor environment and about 20 meters in an indoor environment. The system is available both on cloud as well as on-premise system.
Real-time Asset Location Discovery
Location of any asset managed by the system can be discovered on a single click. One can instantly find the location of an asset on Google map, Floor map or in a human readable location address.

Automatic Attendance Management
System provides attendance management capability which is extremely useful in enterprise, manufacturing and education. EZeTrack system monitors productive present time as well as entry and exit time which can help in improving the overall productivity of the organization.
Indoor Safety Management
EzeTrack provides capability to implement no-authorized zones based on asset profile and generates alert if related event is detected. This feature can be extremely useful in implementing indoor safety management within premises such as schools, colleges, construction sites, etc.

EzeTrack provides low-cost, easy-to-deploy asset management and tracking solution.
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Guest Access and Tracking
Significant improvement to existing access card system for tracking employees and guests. Geo-Fencing of guests and users to specific areas and report misuse in real-time.
Theft Detection and Alert
EzeTrack system provides theft detection capability by identifying movement of a non-mobile assets. System detects movement activity in real-time and sends alert to the concerned person or it can be integrated with the third-party burglary alarm system.

Vendor Tag Agnostic
EzeTrack uses proprietary sensors built of Bluetooth low energy (BLE) standard and hence agnostics to any BLE based tags. Sensor software can be customized to support any proprietary implementation of tag to retrieve other meaningful data such as battery level of a tag, voice notification-based announcement etc.

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